
Skills of write a Scientific Paper

These post is my note of learning the skills of write a scientific paper.

The KEY characteristic of Scientific writing is clarity. Different frome general articals, Scientific writing should be as clear and simple as possible, in a word, the flowery literary embellishments which can cause confusion such as the metaphors, the similes, the idiomatic should NOT be used inwriting research papers

A good beginning is helf done, so is a good title to a paper, many people will read the title, therefore, all words in the title should be chosen with great care, a most common error is defective titles, we need a good title.
A good title use the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents of the paper.
About the length:
    A title too short always do not helpful to potential reader, but a title too long often less meaningful than short ones. A good title should not contain "waste" words, such as "Studies on, ""Investigations on," and "Observations on." An opening "A," "An," or "The" is alos a waste word.
    The title of a paper is a label, In other words, the title normally is not a sentence, so it is simpler than a sentence, but the order of the words became even more important.
    Titles should almost never contain abbreviations, chemical formulas, proprietary names, jargon.

    Abstract is a miniature version of the paper. The Abstract should provide a brief summary of each of the main section of the paper: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. It should not exceed the length specified by the journal. So the main requirement of Abstract is enables reader identify the basic content of a paper quickly and accurately. Typically An Abstract should be typed as a single paragraph.
    The Abstract should :
  • State the principal objectives and scope of the investigation
  • Describe the methods employed
  • Summarize the results
  • State the principal conclusions (indicated by the fact that they are often given three times: once in the Abstract, again in the Introduction, and again in the Discussion.
    There are some types of Abstracts such as: informative abstract, indicative abstract.
    A informative abstract should briefly state the problem, the method used to study the problem, and the principal data and conclutions. this type of abstract require readers read the full paper.
    A indicative abstract is designed to indicate the subjects dealt with in a paper, this allow potential readers to decide whether to read the paper. It can seldom serve as a substitute for the full paper, but just be used in other types of publications.
