

Introduction and Overview
Learning Through Making
"The PIE Network: Promoting Science Inquiry and Engineering through Playful Invention and Exploration with New Digital Technologies." Proposal to the National Science Foundation, 2000.

Resnick, M., R. Berg和 M. Eisenberg. 〈黑盒子之外:把透明和美带回科学调查中〉,《学习科学杂志9》, 第1期,(2000):7-30。

Resnick, M., R. Berg, and M. Eisenberg. "Beyond Black Boxes: Bringing Transparency and Aesthetics Back to Scientific Investigation." Journal of the Learning Sciences 9, no. 1 (2000): 7-30.
Learning from One Another
Gardner, H. 《非校园思维:孩子如何想和学校怎样教》,Basic Books,1989,第6,10,11章,第200-210页。
Gardner, H. The Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach. Basic Books, 1989. Chapters 6, 10, 11, pp. 200-210.
Apprenticeship Learning
Brown,J. S., A. Collins和P. Duguid. 〈情境认识和文化学习〉,《教育研究者18》,第1期(1989):32-42。
Brown, J. S., A. Collins, and P. Duguid. "Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning." Educational Researcher 18, no. 1 (1989): 32-42.
Powerful Ideas and Fluency
Papert, S. 〈什么是大点子:对于点子力量的教育〉, 《IBM 系统杂志39》,第3-4期 (1991)
Papert, S. "What's the Big Idea: Towards a Pedagogy of Idea Power." IBM Systems Journal 39, no. 3-4 (1991).
6“独立” 学习
Learning "On Your Own"
Selected readings from the Growing Without Schooling newsletter.

Holt, John.《任何时间都学习》。AddisonWesley 出版公司,1990年8月1日。ISBN:0201550911。

Holt, John. Learning All the Time. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, August 1, 1990. ISBN: 0201550911.
Choosing Your Tools (and Fluency with Tools)
Martin, F. 〈乐高设计的艺术〉,《机器人学实验者:机器人建造者杂志 1》, 第2 期(1995)。
Martin, F. "The Art of LEGO Design." The Robotics Practitioner: The Journal for Robot Builders 1, no. 2 (1995).

Resnick, M., A. Bruckman和F. Martin. 〈钢琴不是立体声:创造会计算的工具箱〉,《Interactions 3》,第 6期 (1996): 64-71。

Resnick, M., A. Bruckman, and F. Martin. "Pianos Not Stereos: Creating Computational Construction Kits." Interactions 3, no. 6 (1996): 64-71.

Martin,F.B.Mikhak和B.Silverman. 〈MetaCricket:用于制作计算装置的设计师工具箱〉,《IBM系统杂志39》, 第 3-4期 (2001)。

Martin, F., B. Mikhak, and B. Silverman. "MetaCricket: A Designer's Kit for Making Computational Devices." IBM Systems Journal 39, no. 3-4 (2001).
Documenting and Evaluating Activities
Duckworth, E. 〈拥有绝佳的点子〉,《哈佛教育评论42》, 第2 期(1972):第217-231页。

Duckworth, E. "The Having of Wonderful Ideas." Harvard Educational Review 42, no. 2 (1972): 217-231.

选读文章出自于Reggio Emilia学派的系列作品:

Selected readings from a collection of books on the Reggio Emilia Approach:

Katz,L. G.,和B. Cesarone编辑,《 Reggio Emilia方法的反思》,Redleaf出版社,1994。ISBN: 8886277687。

Katz, L. G., and B. Cesarone, eds. Reflections on the Reggio Emilia Approach. Redleaf Press, 1994. ISBN: 8886277687.

Ceppi, G.和M. Zini,《 孩子,空间,关系:关于幼儿环境的新项目》,Reggio:Reggio S.R.L., 1998。

Ceppi, G., and M. Zini, eds. Children, Spaces, Relations: Metaproject for an Environment for Young Children. Reggio: Reggio S.R.L., 1998.

《泉水:孩子未被听到的声音》,Reggio: Reggio S.R.L.,1995。

The Fountains: The Unheard Voice of Children. Reggio: Reggio S.R.L., 1995.

Edwards,Carolyn,George Forman及Lella Gandini,《孩子的上百种语言》, Ablex出版社,1997,ISBN: 156750311X。

Edwards, Carolyn, George Forman, and Lella Gandini, eds. The Hundred Languages of Children. Ablex Publishing, 1997. ISBN: 156750311X.
9Diane Willow:学习 的空间、地点和环境
Diane Willow: Learning as Space, Place and Environment
Tuan,Yi-Fu. 〈Topophilia第九章〉,《环境理解,态度和价值研究》。纽约:哥伦比亚大学出版社,1990年11月1日。ISBN: 023107395X。

Tuan, Yi-Fu. Chapter 9 in Topophilia; A Study of Environmental Perception, Attitudes, and Values. New York: Columbia University Press, November 1, 1990. ISBN: 023107395X.

Orr,David W. 《生态学叙事法第2章:教育和向后现代世界的过渡》。纽约:SUNY 出版社,1992年1月1日。ISBN:0791408744。

Orr, David W. Chapter 8 in Ecological Literacy: Education and the Transition to a Postmodern World. New York: SUNY Press, January 1, 1992. ISBN: 0791408744.

Hiss,Tony. 《地点的经验第2章:一种新方法,考虑和安排我们正在发生根本变革的城市和乡村》。Vintage出版社,1991年10月1日。 ISBN:0679735941。

Hiss, Tony. Chapter 2 in The Experience of Place: A New Way of Looking at and Dealing With our Radically Changing Cities and Countryside. Vintage Press, October 1, 1991. ISBN: 0679735941.

Readings Online

Chawla,Louise.〈心醉神迷的地方〉儿童环境季刊,1990,7 (4):18-23。

Chawla, Louise. "Ecstatic Places." Children's Environments Quarterly, 1990, 7 (4): 18-23.

Vecchi,Vea.〈在学校的什么地方能过得最好?〉,G. 和 M. Zini编辑,《孩子,空间,关系:关于幼儿环境的新项目》,Reggio:Reggio S.R.L.,1998。

Vecchi, Vea. "What kind of space for living well in school?" in Ceppi, G., and M. Zini, eds. Children, Spaces, Relations: Metaproject for an Environment for Young Children. Reggio: Reggio S.R.L., 1998.
Design vs. Craft
Discussion of Plans for First-round Workshops
Reports on First and Second Round Workshops
Workshops for One Another
Final Project Reports Due, and Workshops for the Media Lab
